Friday, September 22, 2006

Jasamu Dikenang....

Majlis " Jasamu Dikenang " telah diadakan at my ex-working place to meraikan para pesara and those staf with 25years and above servise and still working in the imr. Obviously, since I am a pensioner, I too was invited to the function.

It was quite a memorable event especially it started off with the Director performing the ponco-ponco ( a kind of dance ) with the other performers. Here's a photo just to prove to all that it really happened...hahaha. Bravo to the director ( the one and only, I think ) yang sanggup bergoyang bersama staf-stafnya.

Since this will probably be the last formal event that I would be attending at my old office, so me and my buddy labmates decided to commemorate the occasion by taking a photo of the three of us ( I, the pesara and they, the 25 years or more servisers ) in the auditorium with the backdrop signifying the occasion.
But when we got there, the auditorium was locked ( takut orang masuk curi speakers ). So we managed to find some nice trees instead, for the "backdrop". This is an important photo to be "blogged" cos' someone looks thin in it..hehehe ( would you care to make a guess which one? ).

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Cerita kerusiku...

Bila tengok pada tajuk di atas you all must be wondering what this entry is all about, right? Lepas tu disaji pula dengan gambar 3 buah ( or biji ) kerusi yang tiada persamaan sama sekali dari segi bentuk dan saiznya. Eventhough they come in different shapes and sizes, believe or not, they use to be ( the first two on the left ) my computer chairs. After last night, only the one on the right is.

Last night my "sobak" and I struggled to assemble that tiny chair. We had everything in place except putting the back of the chair to the seat. Macam biasalah, kalau dah kena pasang sendiri tu mesti lebih dari sekali kena buka balik skrunya. Anyway, we got it done just before midnight. Takda lah marah sangat sebab dah sental masakan Thai sebelum start kerja tu. The appetiser ( kerang bakar ) was fabulous.

Itulah cerita kerusiku, bukannya apa pun just nak share with you that I ada kerusi baru...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Ke mana kita malam nii?..

Last night I ikut MAH ke Sheraton , Subang Jaya untuk berjumpa dengan organisers for a seminar involving Datin Paduka Sharifah Mazlina Syed Abdul Kadir ( yang gi kutub utara tu ) untuk dia mendapat last minute instructions ( maklumlah jadi AJK pun last minute juga )for tomorrow's event.
Sampai2 aje kita dikejutkan dengan bunyi musik yang kuat. Dia orang sedang praktis aerobics atas stage. Anyway, got to meet the Datuk ( walau pun I bukan AJK, sekadar meneman aje ) and got to see the stunt yang bakal diperform olehnya for the occassion. Interesting juga, siap dengan lagu tema "Airwolf" and " James Bond " lagi. Tapi tak sempat nak tengok apa steps tarian yang bakal dilakukan oleh Datuk dan peserta2 seminar nanti, mesti gempak punya.
We didn't stay long, just an hour. Lepas tu ke Gazebo for teh ais and kerepok lekor hehehe. Masa kat Gazebo tu teringat.....di suatu malam yang hening, kita berempat meraikan hari jadi seorang teman dan menghadiahkannya sepasang kasut sukan ( harap2 dia masih menggunakannya ) tapi yang syoknya, I juga dapat hadiah sampingan....
p/s Semoga seminar hari ini berjaya mengutip sebahagian dari dana yang diperlukan untuk Datuk ke North Pole nanti. Syabas!! kepada semua yang terlibat, terutama MAH, yang masuk last minute tuu..

Monday, September 11, 2006

Kerjaya Selepas Bersara...

" Kerjaya Selepas Bersara?".. itulah salah satu soalan yang telah diutarakan oleh bekas majikan I tempoh hari. I wasn't sure how to answer that one. I wanted to just write " Biarlah Rahsia " but I hate to insult the person who's going to read that as part of my introduction during the coming function.
You all might be wondering what the two photos have got to do with the topic being discussed? Well, they kind of answer the question being asked. What I do selepas bersara is visiting these two places. One I called the Input station, the other the Output station. Both involved counters and waiting chairs.
The IS is worth waiting for whereas the OS is worth going to because it keeps me happy when I am at home. Kalau tak dilawati on time nanti banyak kemudahan yang akan dihentikan. Itulah basically what I do after retirement. Now, how do I put that in words to answer the question post to me by my ex-employer in order to make me look GOOD when they read my biodata (as they call it ) out loud....
p/s hari ni tak payah masak for lunch kerana telah mendapat bekalan dari teman semalam..terima kasih ya!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

What I saw....

Last Tuesday I followed MAH to Ipoh for one of her meetings with a local agency there. The drive was slow at the early part of the journey due to the kesesakan at MRR2, lepas tu it was 140-150km/hr. She was supposed to meet them at 10.00am tapi we were still 15km from Simpang Pulai exit at 9.45am, hence the speed.

At the exit we were escorted by our Ipoh GFO ( girlfriend ooiii ) to the designated place(which is Pejabat Tanah or something ) instead we ended up at Ipoh museum ( bukan salah GFO, long story). The meeting was postponed to 2.30pm and the PA lupa nak bagitahu. Anyway ada hikmahnya 'cos we got to spend sometime with our GFO and visited her business place. I had the opportunity to do some catching up with some local dramas at her place while waiting for MAH to finish her meeting.

We drove back to KL at about 5.30pm in some sunshine and heavy rain on the highway throughout the 3 hours journey. Here are some shots that I took to share with those interested...

We got to witness a strange looking car (having some metal stuck to it's back ), a rainbow and ,in Ipoh town, a cave .

p/s We would like to thank our Ipoh-mate for having to spend the day with us. Hope it wasn't too agonising ;-))