Saturday, December 30, 2006

Oopss..Another Birthday!

Iman (my god daughter ) is 2 on 27 December 2006. She was borned a day after the Tsunami disastor in 2004.
Her mummy had her share of tsunami-like pregnancy while carrying her with shooting up BPs and not to mention the swollen legs right from the early stage of pregnancy. Anyway that was two years back. Now, she will have the privilege of going through more tsunami-like incidences with Iman...;-))
To Iman " Happy 2nd Birthday and May Allah SWT bless you and your whole family throughout this life and the life after"

p/s guess this is the full stop to this year's birthday parties. Selamat menyambut Aidiladha to my Muslim friends and Happy New Year to all yang rajin singgah blog ini.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Dua nombor plat yang menjadi idaman masa muda-muda dulu. Sempat jugalah merasa satu daripadanya, BCK 1228. I'm hoping the next one will be 2812 and I'm also hoping it will be the final one ( hoping aje ya ).

Today I celebrated my 48th birthday dengan meronda sekitar Jalan TAR bersama a few family members, menemankan mereka membeli-belah. Dalam meneman tu sempat jugalah membeli sepasang seluar untuk diri sendiri ( but this cannot be my birthday present for myself ). Haven't thot of what I should give myself for this year's birthday. Any suggestions from my visitors?
Anyway, biarlah birthday tahun ini dimulakan dengan memberi instead of menerima ( dimulakan ok! ). Lepas memberi, bolehlah kalau nak menerima pula kan? I was able ( God willing ) to do just that, which made me very happy. Syukur kepada Allah SWT for allowing me to mendahulukan keperluan orang lain dari keperluan diri sendiri. Semoga azam baru ni akan berkekalan hendaknya.

Selamat Hari Lahir Ke 48 kepada Pesara!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

A Birthday Weekend

Tajuk yang begitu sesuai sekali. This whole weekend was dedicated to menyambut one birthday after another. And what comes with birthdays??... Food and presents!!
Dari hari Sabtu, the whole ( well almost whole ) Ishak clan were moving from KL, SA to Bukit Subang for the first birthday. Bermula dengan nasi, diikuti dengan mee johor, roti jala, pudings and of course birthday cake. Makan and more makan..( it's safe to say that dieting was not on anyone's mind). Then everyone headed back to their respective base-camp. Ada yang masih meneruskan birthday celebration kat KLCC pulak ( that was a royal one, laporannya kemudian ya, kita kena nanti wakil kita bercerita).
So for pesara and pilotnya, we had to torture our already tired stomach, with a bowl of killer HOT tom yam kung ( jenis yang mengeluarkan cecair melalui every rongga in your body tu lah ) and ice blended mocha/cappucino ( wow lega nya ) kat secret recipe before proceeding back to base-camp.
Sunday pulak started with birthday celebration at A&W next to Amcorp Mall. Yang nii lebih sikit sebab ada majlis tari menari and a bit of some dangerous hugging and forbidden kissing ( for some lucky or unlucky ones.. hehehe ). This was no leisure birthday, everything was quick-quick cos' time was a key factor ( fear factor pun boleh juga lah ).
Keluarga Ishak ni makan kejap tak puas, so we proceeded to another site ( where a different batch of food and entertaiment awaits us ). Kali ini kat some condominium pulak. This was where the SURPRISE!!! occurred.
It was for pesara for her 21st ( ++++..... ) birthday. It was a real shocker ( as seen in the photo yang menunjukkan maximum gigi exposure ..). Tapi here there were no dancing ( or dangerous, forbiden kissing ) just loud, out of pitch, singing and motherly kisses and huggs for those below 2 years of age. Then followed by pool events which included swimming and screaming ( birthady girl sempat jugalah contribute a few cc of water from her very own body to the pool..hehehe, sejuk beb! ).
Selepas dah kenyang and upacara membuka hadiah, slowly-slowly ( kata Malaysian ) one by one started to beredar balik to their respective sarang. Tinggallah our host and hostess to clear what "little" mess ( sorry ya ) we made to especially, her 3 brand new carpets and home in general. That was a real hectic weekend for all involved.
p/s sampai rumah pesara tersenyum lebar sebelum tidur mengenangkan the surprise she got today..A BIG thank you to all involved with the planning and execution of a wonderful birthday surprise.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Another Day, Another Birthday!!

Guess whose birthday is it today 9.12.2006? The morning started with a birthday surprise breakfast prepared by the famous chef of LV. Upacara meniup lilin ( yang agak luar biasa tempat letaknya ). Cuba teka pukul berapa gambar ni diambil?

Pada sebelah tengaharinya pula, kita menghadiri upacara penyampaian diploma penterjemahan seorang kawan di DBP. Sempatlah bergambar sakan kat lobi DBP tu untuk dijadikan kenangan. I don't think we will be going there in the near future, so baik ambik gambar siap-siap.

The birthday celebration wasn't over just yet. Pada malamnya the chef prepared another dish, spaghetti marinara, ala-ala syok sendiri..hehe. Walau pun tak sama dengan yang dekat restoren di ibu kota tapi good enough sehingga menjilat sudulah katakan.

Bila agaknya celebration ini akan tamat? The night is still young when this entry was written. Jeng, jeng, jeng..... Apa-apa pun hope the birthday girl had a great time celebrating her birthday at LV.
p/s banyak betul birthdays bulan disember ni...agak-agaknya siapa punya lagi yang belum disambut?;-))

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Maya!

Last Saturday, 2 December 2006, genaplah 1 tahun umur Puteri Nur Sumayyah. We had a small celebration for her tapi Maya tak sihat pada hari tu. Walau pun Mummy dia dah ready with ice-cream cake for her to blow her first candle but Maya was too tired to get up from her sleep.

Untuk tidak menghampakan sambutan hari tu, we managed to snap some photos of the birthday girl with her birthday cake ( while she slept away...)

Anyway, the rest of the tetamu masih dapat meraikannya dengan antara lain, jagung bakar dan nasi ayam berempah. Only after we all had the celebration, baru the birthday girl got up. Tapi it was time for the guests to leave...what a birthday celebration it was, lain dari yang lain.

p/s Maya jangan risau ya, Mummy and Daddy akan adakan satu lagi birthday celebration for you ( walau pun you are too young to know..hehehe )