Tuesday, November 20, 2007

And that something is....

Selepas menunggu and beberapa kali menelefun memberi directions on how to get to the condo, finally the man came. He was a dark and scary looking man ( not tall, dark and handsome, more like average, very dark and so so..hehe ).
Anyway here's what happened after he came......

p/s hehehe..hope you all were not too disappointed with the answer, bukannya apa saja nak masukkan entry baru sebab dah lama tak berkarya..

Something is happening today...

It's been awhile since I last wrote in my blog. Tentu ada yang tertanya-tanya ( kalau ada lah ) kenapa senyap aje lately nii..

The last few weekends sentiasa sibuk dengan open-house and makan-makan sepanjang Syawal. Baru last weekend ada masa nak melawat my two anak buah kat hill-park. Lama benar rasanya tak bersama mereka ( nasib they still remember me ). As for my two cucus kat Shah Alam, they are back in KB with their nenek, so tak terasa bersalahlah tak jumpa pun.

Today, seperti yang tertera pada tajuk hari ini, something new is coming to Unit 8-2-2. I'm excited to receive it. Sama-samalah kita tunggu kemunculannya ya. I promise to let you all have a peek lepas semua dah settle ya..tungguuuu!!

Sementara tu, have a productive week. Jangan lupa singgah ke blog ni lagi besok untuk mengetahui apa yang dimaksudkan.