Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ahlan Wasahlan min Misr

I did not want to share the stories behind these pictures with you in this blog but in person, so this is just a small portion of the shots taken from my last trip to Egypt 18-27 December 2008. What I can conclude from this trip was it had a nose blocking, feverish ending. The effect is felt up until this entry is made...
p/s there is over 1000 shots taken for those interested to see...( to my arabic class buddies, I did get to use some arabic words along the way hehe )

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Setiap Raya ada Keistimewaannya...

Hari Raya tahun ini ada kenangannya yang tersendiri. Tak perlulah dicoretkan di dalam blog ini kerana ianya hanya bermakna kepada pesara sahaja. What I would like to share with those who visits this blog is some memories that was captured untuk tatapan berulang kali whenever I need to remember those days pada raya 2008 bersama keluarga di kampung...

p/s Dedicated to those whose pictures appear in this particular entry. Semoga ianya membuat anda tersenyum sendirian....

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Zara!!

On the 17th August 2008, Puteri Nur Fatma Azzahra turned the big 1, the age where you will have your first taste of glamour. There will be people actually celebrating your existance. Saja aje nak bersastera sikit maklumlah selepas mendapat title YB tempuh hari.
Anyway, " Selamat Hari Lahir Yang Ke 1 Zara, Semoga menjadi anak yang Solehah "

Sebahagian yang puluhan gambar ( kalau dikira jumlah resolusinyalah )yang dirakamkan pada hari yang bersejarah itu..hehe. Jangan terpedaya, Zara tu bukannya happy sebab hari tu birthday dia tapi sebab dibenarkan duduk atas meja makan. Gambar sebelah pula menunjukkan wajah keterujaan ( hehehe ) para tetamu menunggu acara potong kek yang tak kunjung tiba...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Aina Mutakhoedah ( 25-29 July 2008 )?

These are some shots that I took while I was away from KL from the 25 - 29 July. It first started with a 2D/1N stay in Guoman Resort PD and ended with a 3D/2N vacationing in Perhentian Island Resort.
The first trip for me was basically enjoying myself in the room with a view of the sea and watching movies on Vision Four, a BBQ dinner and a buffet breadfast.

Then it's back to KL to do some packing for the trip to Pulau Perhentian. The next trip started with a flight to KB followed by a van ride to Kuala Besut then a speed boat ride to Perhentian Island Resort ( ini yang suspens sikit sebab nasib tak tercabut tudung, thanks to the life jacket ).
Hari2 terkemudiannya di penuhi dengan 3 kali buffet sehari dan attempts at swimming, snorkelling, floating and sunburning ( yang tak di sengajakan ). Whatever it was pun, apa yang indahnya about the trip is whats below...

p/s A big THANK YOU to my sponsor ( walau pun penat masih dapat memberi senyuman sambil menikmati "Montel Split" ...hehehe)