Monday, March 09, 2009

Bersantai di river+stone...

Last sunday YB and PA nak gi picnic kat Riverstone Eco Resort di Ulu Yam. Malam tu kita ke carrefour membeli keperluan untuk dibawa bersama sebagai cekikan and decided to tanya member terdekat kalau-kalau dia adik beradik nak ikut. Oleh sebab kesihatan tak mengizinkan, mereka tak dapat turut serta ( harap-harap dah fully recovered by now ).

So pagi tu off we went looking for said resort. Kita dah berbincang kat rumah sebelum bertolak that kalau takde orang yang bermalam di sana, we would only go for a day trip ( maklumlah bermalam di dalam hutan all by ourselves is a scary idea ). Sebaik aje masuk jalan menuju ke administration building we saw a bunch of people having some kind of activity, so we said "ok ada orang nampaknya". Tetapi selepas bertanyakan receptionist kat situ semasa nak check-in, we found out that we will be the only guest there for that night. Orang yang ramai tu sudah nak balik. Kita orang pun tak jadi check-in and terus belah dari situ.

We went further up looking for tempat just have a picnic and mandi manda, kita end up at another resort called river+stone. We had a great time eating and lazying in the river with stones in it, as can be seen below....

p/s YB balik sakit satu badan tapi kalau nak go again, YB tak kisah....