Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Haji I, Aura Langkawi ...

Dah banyak kali juga lah Pesara ke Langkawi untuk bercuti tapi kali ni I got to see some serious "affair " that most ladies who come to Langkawi have with one man named Haji I...;-))
This time the trip was with a few close friends and their family members. It was a most hectic and yet relaxing, sweet and enjoyable trip. Hectic for some whose always on the go tapi relaxing to the mind cos there's no worries about time factor or annoying the driver, cos we had our own personal driver to take us where we want to go. Sweet cos we were always around chocolates and enjoyable with lots of laughter no matter where, be it in the apartment or in the mpv.
Eventhough our flight was delayed by 3 hours, being in Langkawi this time was most memorable except for the HOT weather.
p/s Bagi yang dah beli minyak gamat untuk gatal-gatal tu, jangan lupa guna ya, kecuali untuk satu gatal yang tak boleh dihilangkan dengan minyak gamat ...hahahaha