Assalamualaikum and hello to anyone reading this...
It's been awhile since I last wrote, and very loooong while. Anyway since sekarang dah ada komputer available kat rumah ni thot I'll give blogging another try...
Dah lama benar tak upload gambar gi holiday so ingat nak masukkan dalam entry kali ini. Baru2 ni me and my buddies to a long weekend vacation kat Tanah Aina Fareena somewhere kat Karak. Jangan tanya pasal how to get there, I'm very poor with directions. Tapi kalau ada yang interested can get all info kat website dia or just google ( as usual for anything..)
Seronok spending time with 8 women sharing a bungalow with 3 rooms and 4 bathrooms. Luxury indeed. Wehad our own river and waterfall ( tapi kena panjat dulu to get to it ) and our very own dusun buah buahan ( except masa tu takde banyak macam buah ) kecuali nangka nad cempedak.
Makanan takyah cerita we brought plenty of them home-cooked ones and ready makan ones. We were also provided with breakfast and tea. About 4 pembantu were assigned to entertain to our kerenah. We mananged to get some sort of spa service too from the lady cook...hehehe
Bila tamat holiday tu some of us were presented with bintik2 gatal as cederahati ( instead of cenderahati..) which lasted at least for me three weeks. Walau pun begitu, spending time laughing and eating with best friends is always worth it. Here are some photos taken from there...
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Kasih Ibu.....
Gambar menunjukkan seorang ibu mengembara sekeliling perairan mencari anak anaknya dalam kesejukan dan ketakutan sehingga dia ternampak seorang dari anaknya yang sedang diselamatkan dari melompat terjun untuk menolong sang ibu. Rupa rupanya anak anaknya yang lain sedang berenang di belakang sang ibu sepanjang masa...hehehe
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Beijing Trip II....
This is my 2nd trip to Beijing. The 1st was in winter of December 2002. This time I thought it was autumn, tapi rupa2nya end of summer, so the scenery were not that exciting. Anyway these were some of the places we visited....,
the people that I went with ( the last time was with my IMR buddies)....,
and the last photo is of the woman whose life is to harass tourists with her merchandise ( I gave her a taste of her own medicine by trying to sell her something using the words she much, how much..10 yuan..ok ok 5 yuan...ok ok 5 yuan for 2..hehe,... lari dia takuttt)...
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Mengimbau kenangan lalu...
Kini Ramadan datang lagi...almost 7 years ago in the month of Ramadan, my Getz telah menggalami satu kemalangan yang sungguh menakutkan ( tapi bukan dengan kereta lain ). So today I thought I nak abadikan peristiwa tragis itu di laman blog ini semoga ianya menjadi simpanan abadi...
Below are the snapshots taken with my handphone ( sempat lagi tu, walau pun dalam keadaan begini. Alhamdulillah, I dilindungiNya semasa kejadian itu, berkat bulan Ramadan Al Mubarak )

p/s sorry gambar AA yang cute tak dapat disertakan ;-))
Monday, June 13, 2011
June Birthday Celebration...
Last weekend telah diadakan satu sambutan hari jadi besar-besaran ( standard kita lah ) untuk family members yang dilahirkan dalam bulan jun bertempat di Hillpark, Pantai Dalam. Di bawah disertakan beberapa shots yang sempat diambil pada malam itu untuk dijadikan kenangan...

p/s To the other two birthday people, sorrylah the birthday Cake was out of this world!! Thank you to the hostess for providing almost everything...;-))
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