Monday, January 22, 2007

Malam yang indah...

Saja aje nak kongsi with you all 2 shots I took at Lake Titiwangsa on the night we went there to see if we can naik the EOM without having to beratur since it was on a week day. Rupa-rupanya, orang ramai tak terhingga. So we end up taking shots of some interesting sceneries at the Lake.
We also managed to see a half an hour fire works that was being displayed at the Lake where the EOM is, just our luck! ( tak tahu pun ada ). We and a few more people were able to see it without having to berebut with the crowds who were mostly at the EOM.
Kalaulah duit tu digunakan untuk membantu mangsa banjir alangkah baiknya...


Anonymous said...

masih terbayang-bayang lagi percikan bunga api yang indah yang jatuh di tasik...cewahhhh...poyo :))

Anonymous said...

Gambor bunga api tu tak de ker? ;)

Anonymous said...

aik?lama nye senyap..