Saturday, January 03, 2009

Egypt - My Experience, Part 2

Selepas melawat Karnak Temple, we headed back to the cruise sebab kita nak belayar ke Edfu at 1.00noon. Sampai di kapal, we had buffet lunch ( same dishes from day 1 till the day we left ) and rested in our room, spending most of the time looking out our window at the sceneries and some people and animals we saw along the Nile.

At 4pm we got ready for our tea on deck and stayed to watch the sunset...

Off we went down to eat and sleep while waiting to be on deck again to see the sunrise. The morning was madly cold as seen below...

After the same buffet breakfast, kita di bawa menaiki kereta kuda ke Edfu Temple. Kawasannya amat luas sekali sama dengan temple2 sebelum ni..

Selepas penat melawat Edfu Temple, we headed back to our hotel to have the usual lunch and to our surprise we found this on the bed in our room ( for that, he got 2 egyptian pounds hehehe )

sambung lagi lepas ni ya......


Umi Azuddin said...

waalamak romantik la pulak cruise on da Nile nih! siap ngan sunset & sunrise lagi tuu!
ala-ala macam perasaan Anthony masa belayar nak gi jumpa Cleopatra gamaknyer ye? ;)

Anonymous said...

mmg romatik giloss umi....especially masa nak ambik gambar masa sunrise....terketar-ketar pegang kamera....(kunun2 nervous lah tuu)