Friday, December 30, 2005

To all the girls...

..that have paid my bills through out knowing me ( you should know who you are , kalau tak you are not the one paying kay ..hehe ) I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. May be, just may be, I have said it in person but, being an ISO implementor ( ex in the case of IMR, but in my own life, I still hope to implement ) I would like the THANK YOUs to be documented, so that when an humanity audit is done, bahan buktinya ada.

I'm been blessed ( we all have ) to have so many people that care for me ( care enuff to pay the bills ) and I want all of you to know that I appreciate each and every bill paid no matter big or small. Like they say, it's the thot that counts, not the amount ( mungkin ada yang kata yeah right.. hehe ).So girls you can rest assure that you are all in my "gold book" not because you help paid the bills, but because you are my DEAREST FRIENDS.

That's all for now, I'm off to the PO to post my will ( and guess what ? some of you might just be in it ...suspence )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coz u r our friend le kita kena keluar selalu makan2. Now we hav 2wait for Aliza's invitation pulak.
kalau tak, kena tunggu le my 50th birthday. eeh lama sangat, somebody kena pikir makan sebelum tu, tapi kat mane??