Thursday, December 29, 2005

Yesterday was My Day

Tak sempat nak tulis apa2 semalam on my birthday sebab sibuk mengemas barang2 ofis in the morning and ribut taufan pula in the evening.

Got birthday wishes as early as the nite before, 12.00am sharp ( good job ), 6.05am, 8.43am, 8.55am, 9.56am, 12.24pm, 1.48pm,4.04pm and last sekali 6.41pm. Itulah total number of well wishes through smses and a few more through e-mails. I just want to thank all for remembering my day, the day I was born.

What did I do on this meaningful day. Let me just recap.. went for breakfast with my always there when I needed her friend, ManizaA. Had can you believe it, only roti canai, for the bday breakfast. Lepas tu balik rumah ( remember me the pensioner, tak kerja ) pasang cabinet dari carrefour. Half way memasang realised tersilap, buka balik and pasang again. Now dah kol 11.00am. Masuk the 3rd room ( now my temp office ) unpacked whatever yang I brought back from the office. Cuba arranged the best way I can. Penuh perna ( kata orang Kelantan ).

It's 1.00tgh, and there is no food for lunch. Perut dan lapar ( remember hanya roti canai tadi ), nak keluar malas, so buat campuran cecodok adabi ( just tambah bawang besar and H2O ) and went to read my mails. Stop to pray, goreng cecodok and duduk enjoy 1 mangkuk cecodok ( don't worry tak habis satu mangkuk daaa ).

At 3.00pm, watched my B&B lah apa lagi. Now Brooke dah tak jadi kawin ngan Nick but back with Ridge ( hmmmm macam tulah, tapi tengok juga ). After that waited for Aimy and Iman to come. Waited sambil tengok tv. Phone rang at 4.45pm, it's Aimy telling me about the rain at Setiawangsa and suddenly the cats and dogs ( or rather elephant and tiger ) reached Setapak too. They couldn't make it to my place ( cos u know lah parking kat luar nanti Iman kena hujan ) which I pun agreed. We ended up chatting on the phone for 1 hour ( tak yah cerita lah ya about what.. )

Then came the call from tmnet agent at Alpha Angle telling me to collect my modem for streamyx tu, so I contacted my dear friend ( cum installer ) to follow me and we went at night. Took and modem and a plate of nasi beriani ( plus the left over cecodok, tapi eaten while waiting for Isya' ). Balik rumah dia terus godek my notebook and at 11.30pm I was streamyxed, hence the new email add, if you all dah baca your mails this morning you all would have realised that! All those time I was watching my 29". At 12.30am went to zzzz.

That's My Day!

1 comment:

NiEzA said...

komen tapi macam keluar nama org lain pulak.....