Saturday, December 30, 2006

Oopss..Another Birthday!

Iman (my god daughter ) is 2 on 27 December 2006. She was borned a day after the Tsunami disastor in 2004.
Her mummy had her share of tsunami-like pregnancy while carrying her with shooting up BPs and not to mention the swollen legs right from the early stage of pregnancy. Anyway that was two years back. Now, she will have the privilege of going through more tsunami-like incidences with Iman...;-))
To Iman " Happy 2nd Birthday and May Allah SWT bless you and your whole family throughout this life and the life after"

p/s guess this is the full stop to this year's birthday parties. Selamat menyambut Aidiladha to my Muslim friends and Happy New Year to all yang rajin singgah blog ini.

1 comment:

Ina said...

Eid Mubarak to you too..!

Keep blogging! :)