Monday, July 31, 2006

Just my thots....

Hari ni genap 7 bulan I menjalani kehidupan sebagai pesara. Tak terasa pun begitu cepat masa berlalu. So I guess things must have been good for me. Like they say " Time flies when you are having fun".
Apa fun yang I had for today? This morning I was on my way to pay one of the many bills that made their way into my pigeon-hole. I was in my denim jeans ( I rasa fesyen pipe-line ke something ) driving and listening to light and easy channel. Terasa macam berada di zaman 80's. Syok rasanya bila memandu with just a few cars on the road ( no jam or kaya ) while listening to lagu zaman muda2 dulu. Harap2 my readers can imagine that situation. Kalau zaman 8oan dulu takde pulak the luxury to drive at that hour to go to the shopping complex. Lesen memandu pun takde lagi until 1986 kut.
Satu lagi cerita yang nak dikongsi oleh pesara ini is semasa I kat Carrefour getting some food at the counter, I had to ask the staff to put the price tag on the item that I just bought. I saw one woman ( with her back to me, cos she was putting something in the oven ) so I called out " Dik dik tolong kira ni ". Semenjak jadi pesara ni I feel that I'm older than most staff kat Carrefour tu, but bila dia berpaling to take my barang, she was definitely much older than me. She was of course, smilling happily. I can't help but feel older than most people sebab sekarang dah ada ramai cucu.
Sambung balik, in the car while driving back to my place my mind was wondering how many people get to enjoy what I have right now. Whenever I meet people that knows me, they will be asking what I have been doing sepanjang masa pencen ni. I tried to tell them but somehow I feel that whatever I say is not the whole truth. This is because people only want to know what physical ( or tangible ) things that you do with your life. The emotional and spiritual aspects are never highlighted. My retirement is more for these reasons. To be free to wonder about things and feelings. To think about what makes your life meaningful to you. How to be a better person or how to always be thankful with what you have...etc. This is something that you can't explain to people because you cannot set a schedule for such things ( at least not for me ). That's what my early retirement is all about.... ( ada jugalah kekadang tu memikirkan hal seperti, kenapa CT memilih Khalid bila terpandang lelaki yang sebaya dengan kita kat mana2 tu...hehehe )

p/s ..itu saja for now, kalau panjangkan jemu pula membacanya....
bila I cerita pasal pakai seluar apa tu, bukan bererti itu saja yang I pakai masa tu ya ;-))


Anonymous said...

wah, ni adalah entry yg paling panjang pernah pesara tulis....hmmm...sejak bila lak tukar channel ke light & easy??? teringat kat seseorang ke???hehehe..

Anonymous said...

x mahu komen panjang. jst tht i pun belum rasa lagi jemu takat ni untuk pi kerja. buat le terbaik hari ni. esok hari belum tentu lagi. who knows when God wants 2take us away.

ROIS said...

i pula rasa pjn akan kerja sampai tamat tempoh perkhidmatannya or to quote her "when God wants 2take us away" ( which ever comes first..hehehe )!

...agak2nya betul tak tekaan i nii?

Ina said...
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Ina said...

Wah, deep thots nampaknya! I'm happy you find happiness and satisfaction in your life, alhamdulillah. Isn't that what each of us always looking for? :)

Drops of Jupiter

Anonymous said...

Tp kalu tak de duit tu to enjoy ...?