Tuesday, July 04, 2006

My weekend with turtles..

What can I share with you about the turtle trip to Ma' Daerah? Yang pastinya pada trip itu I was down with flu and fever. The bas trip was too cold for me. Half way thru' I had to get down to get my jacket.
Bila sampai kat Kerteh we were picked ( or packed macam sardin )up by our friend cum facilitator, Cik Rahayu, in her Ford Frontier. There were 5 of us ( 2 XL, 1L and 2M ) dan bagasi masing2. The trip to the turtle santuary takle jauh sangat, so tak kisahlah bersesak sikit tu. Thank you driver!
Sampai sana we were introduced to our lodging for the weekend. Tak payahlah I describe macam mana nanti tengok gambar2 ya ( kita akan bagi dalam bentuk yahoo fotopage bila dah dapat semuanya ).
Aktiviti yang disediakan memang interesting and exciting, cuma I saja yang takleh enjoy fully sebab keadaan kesihatan waktu itu. Anyway I tried my best to be in every activities eventhough not fully. Antaranya tidur di pantai till midnight while waiting for puan penyu to finish bertelor; standing in the 12tgh hot sun recording the number of UD ( undeveloped ) and UH (un hatched ) eggs and don't forget enduring the "sweet" smell of rotten eggs ( thank god I had the flu ) and having to be all alone in the long-house one night (sebab demam) while the rest went to look at another laying egg process. Tapi semuanya memberi pengalaman yang berharga at the end of it all.
I also had the opportunity to get to know an energetic 69 year old Muslim British woman, Zaharah ( or Patricia ) whose life is so colourful. You can listened to her stories for hours ( if there was nothing else to do lah ).
Lastly, for those of you yang interested to attend such programme, bolehlah melayari www.wwf.com.my for more information. I memang rekomen pun.

Gambar menunjukkan aktiviti mengeluarkan telor dari lubangnya untuk dikira jumlah yang menetas, tidak menetas, tidak menjadi dan yang dimusnahkan oleh predator. Tengoklah ramai yang menutup hidung menahan bau wangi hehe..Ada juga yang masih boleh tersenyum...


Anonymous said...

best giler dapat korek pasir keluarkan telur penyu yang busuk....

Anonymous said...

wow! macam menarik jer !! *jelez*

tak sabor rasanya nak tengok gambor2 !!!

"penyu menangis siapa yang tahu..."


Anonymous said...

siapa yang tengok penyu menangis dia la yang tahu...hehehehe

Anonymous said...

lps ni boleh la join pi cuci gajah plak...since dah tahan bau telur penyu tu...

Ina said...

Sounds very the very interesting..!

Additional comments based on photos at Nieza's
1) Mestilah menarik kan.... ada OM! Kantoi ada gambar Nieza tengah ushar. Hehe
2) Apese gambar2 ada yang berulang2? Ko ni.. Peh tu ada yg tak diportraitkan
3) Tulis la kat each photos tu.. describe sikit apa yang terjadi.. Jeles nih ;)