Monday, August 14, 2006

Buat Abang Joe...

Walau pun kita bawa videocam it was not functioning at the last these are just 3 of the shots I got using my trusted mobile phone. As they say.. this one's for you !!

Introducing the models for Winnie the Pooh...

Aksi models yang sempat dirakam dalam suasana kelam kabut. Seorang tu sibuk nak main dengan minyak urut sementara yang seorang lagi is trying to get it from her. As for the youngest of the models, she's just trying to survive through the whole ordeal of having to put on something that's too big for her at the moment.


Anonymous said...

kak long n maya dok 'gomo'

Anonymous said...

tangan siapa nampak halus mayang dok pegang si Maya tuu....