Thursday, August 24, 2006

The reality is...

Some of us would like to think that increasing in age does not mean that we are getting old but just more experienced. We refuse to accept that changes will be taking place to or in us that we cannot avoid or improve. Bila dah sampai masa tu kita kenalah terima hakikat yang usia telah melewati ( atau melawati ) kita.

Just to share an example of what age will do to someone for a start.....

walau pun dapat dikaburi usia sebenar dengan mekap dan pakaian mau pun ubat-ubatan tapi hakikatnya bila hendak membaca , reading glasses wajib dipakai juga....renungkanlah!


Anonymous said...

dah habis renung dahhh...sebab tu ada org tersangkut......

Anonymous said...

whoa..CHJ..laserous! hik ;->

smalam dalam Berita, segmen Laporan Dewan Rakyat (ker Dewan Parlimen arr? ontahlah) timbul isu gadis2 umur dua puluhan memilih lelaki yang "berusia" sebagai wakil2 rakyat tu "concerned" ler kunon apa akan jadi kpd belia2 lelaki yang susah nak cari pasangan hidup sebab pompuan2 nih gomar tekel orang "seperti kita ni" kata seorang wakil dari XXX yang kelihatan seperti dalam dilemma... ;-)

heh heh

LT : suka lelaki MATANG ;-}

Ina said...

ha'ah yek!

tak bule ke pake contact lens?

ROIS said...

tak bule pake contact lens, nanti tak nampak jauh pulak...

Anonymous said...

I am not sure of the intent of your blog 'the reality is'..but it does seem to imply that men/women of advancing age should not be wearing makeup (woman only lah), nice clothes or eat medication which may help in delaying the signs of aging. I would like to ask if a man/woman feels and looks good whilst doing the above is it a crime? It does not mean that he/she does not accept that he/she is advancing in age but is merely expressing himself/herself in the way he/she looks, in the best possible way that they can. Not even to be attractive to other people or to attract other people (but if it's the case also, why not?) but for his or her own pleasure. YOu might have forgotten health is not merely the absence of disease but a state of physical, mental, emotional and now another one, social wellbeing. You might also not know that makeup has other functions than enhancing one's looks but it is also, those with sun-block actually also helps one, especially really fair people to get better protection from the harmful UV rays of the sun. This is a proactive method of preventing a disease or pathology, skin cancer is one example, from occurring. Makeup also helps others who are not so fortunate to have a wonderful complexion or one with God given defects, to hide these flaws, to enable them to face others in life without feeling so embarrassed (and to give them some self -esteem), coz like it or not we do/have to meet people. This may appear trivial to those who do not have such problems but I dare say for those with these problems it does have an impact on their lives (if not dermatologists wouldn't be so rich). The most exuberant of children can become morose adults if affected by very bad acne.
To take up your argument on aging and the acceptance of it does this mean that one should not then take hypertensive medication when one gets it? HPT occurs in those where the degenerative process of aging has occurred in the arteries, so do we throw our medication out the window?