Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Trial and Error...

Just a few minutes ago I did an experiment that set my microwave up in smoke! What was I thinking?? Once a researcher, always a researcher.
It started with an inspiration from my all-time idol yang suka makan strawberi bersalut coklat tu lah. So off I went to my second home AA to get the ingredients. Sedang berjalan2, I met one of the tutor at MLT College walking with her husband. She stopped and asked if I'm on leave from work. I told her I dah pencen ( pilihan ) so she asked if I dah reached 40 ( at this point I was smiling... ) She is going for her Haj so we hugged and I wished her all the best. Anyway, back to the earlier story. I got the strawberry and a bar of chocolate ( with no nuts ) and headed home.
Lepas tengok my favourite soap opera ( Bold & Beautiful ), I was ready to start my experiment. Simple enough, I broke the chocolate bar and put them in my microwavable container. Set the timer to 30 seconds and washed my strawberries. It didn't melt, so I set the timer to 1 minute. That's when I saw smoke coming out of the microwave. Cepat2 keluarkan bekas yang dipenuhi asap and membuka tutupnya. There was a burned smell and part of the chocolate was actually burned.
I quickly dipped my strawberris into the melted chocolate and that was the end of the experimant. Had to throw away the partially burned container. ...and the end result is as seen below..

p/s kalau ada rezeki may be some of you might get to taste my version of strawberry-chocolate one day...( selagi Datuk M bersama, it shouldn't be a problem! )


Anonymous said...

Datuk "M" tu siapa? anyway, mcm mana rasanya? tak pernah rasa makanan org kaya niii....

ROIS said...

Sedaapp, patutlah menjadi favorit sesetengah orang tuu..

siapa Datuk 'M' tu Biarlah Rahsia, buat masa nii..;-))

Anonymous said...

perghh...canggis sungguh pesara nih, cairkan coklat dalam microwave..
apa kelas, melt coklat manually dalam boiling water ek? ;)

nampak sodapla stoberi salut coklat tuh ! mmmmmm...yummy.

LT : 'mengidam' mangga muda cicah sambal rojak ... ;)

ROIS said...

tadi i had strawberries dipped in flowing chocolate at one hotel tapi i rasa the one i made lagi sedap rasanya( it must be the chocolate i used, sedikit hangus.. hehe)

tq to all those yg bagitahu i the way to melt chocolate is by using boiling water ( no direct contact with api ek? )