Monday, November 06, 2006

My Wedding of the Year...

Last night I had the opportunity to attend my ex-boss's son punya wedding. All the while I thought it was just another wedding kat dewan, no big deal. I biasanya malas nak go for wedding sebab nak kena pakai formal. Semenjak jadi pesara nii bertambah2 lagilah malas nak pakai formal2 nii. But I did not regret going for this wedding, and let me share with you all why...
I went with my buddy Puteri ( from my ex-office ). As usuallah because malam and hujan we had to really concentrate on the road so that kita tak miss entrance to Dewan Risda, Ampang tuu. My friend nii kurang sikit penglihatan kalau drive malam tapi dia gemar bercerita. Anyway,we arrived at the Bangunan Risda and were looking for a place to park kat basement tu when we saw a few more cars driving in with some of the men in the cars wearing songkok. So we knew these must be people also attending the same wedding. There is a reason why I'm mentioning "men" at this point in my entry.
Since dah lewat, kita pun rushed up by lift to the 1st floor. As the lift opened we were greeted by my ex-boss punya second daughter ( dah besar pun budak ni ) and told to go to the dewan on the left, which was for women katanya. Terasa pelik juga tapi since both of us are women so, no big deal lah. Bila masuk dewan tu barulah kita realised rupa2nya hanya ada women dalam dewan tu. No sight of any man ( not that we are looking for one ). It's felt so odd attending a wedding without being able to see the bride and groom in the same dewan ( plus not seeing any kind of man, including my ex-boss yang invited us to the wedding in the first place ). Terkilan jugalah sebab we did want to congratulate dia for the wedding.
Rupa2nya the story is, anak my ex-boss ni is involved dengan tabligh so dia insisted that women and men be in separate dewan. So it's strange to be in a wedding where you don't actually get to see a wedding taking place ( more like a group of women having dinner ). Kalau you can see from the photo below ( sorry not that clear sebab takleh go dekat2 to snap ), on stage pun is a bunch of women with the bride ( that's the one with the purdah ). Anyway, "Selamat Pengantin Baru , Semoga Berbahagia hingga ke akhirat" ucapan to the I'm sure lovely couple( takleh nak komen sebab tak tengoh the groom) .

p/s part of the female guests ( wondering if their partners are having fun in the other dewan?? )oh lupa the only time we saw men was at the lift and car park. The organisers really had things well under control. Syabas!! except for that little incident.


Ina said...

Wah... ingatkan wedding of the year sebab besar-besaran mengalahkan artis! Heh.

Masa I kat Michigan muda-muda dulu ada sekali attend wedding Arab. Memang dewan asing.. so the women apa lagi bergaya sakan dan berjoget sakan le. Celebrate.. good time come on! Barulah namanya pesta (tak risau haram) WOAW..! What a concept! I said to myself nanti nak kenduri kahwin macam tu gak lah.. Tapi setakat tu jelah.. ;)

(I did wonder la sikit how the men were celebrating, tapi masa tu rasa tak heran sangat.. belum matang!)

Anonymous said...

takada lah nak komen apa2..tapi sesekali berpeluang menghadiri kenduri macam jugak yekk... pastu balik rumah kita minum duluuuuu......arggghhh...ngantuk nya...

Anonymous said...

tak terkenangke masa berpesta muda mudi dulu2 tuu?? hehehe

Anonymous said...

dulu lain sekarang lain mak ngah....