Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Two F's...

These two F's memang tak dapat dipisahkan. Di mana ada satu F akan ada the other F. Apakah F yang dimaksudkan itu?
Last night I had the pleasure of meeting up with 2 old Friends that I haven't seen for a long time ( one longer than the other ) and 2 other friends that I just saw a few days back. Anyway, what I wanted to record in my blog is the meeting with those 2 old friends. It brought back the "feel" of being in campus again. We had the meet-up at One Utama and had Food at one Thai Restaurant there. At the beginning of dinner there was some commotion over how they serve their Chinese tea but that had us in a very jovial mood through out the whole meal.
We chatted about old times and about what some of us went through since the last time we met. There was alot of laughing plus abit of finger pointing as to who did not keep in touch with who ( resulting in the long time no see syndrome ) and parents health updates. We were still chatting away long after our bill was payed. Tu lah lain kali we should meet more often....( jangan nak salahkan sesiapa cos all of us had to accept the blame, right? ). We all had a great time, old and new, all enjoying what little time we had with each other. God bless us all, my friends.
Though I know ( deep in my heart, cos this is not the first time ) we might not see some friends in the near future ( being in a year or two ) but whatever time we had with each other will always be something to cherish and be grateful for. Like what was said by my oldest friend " ..when we die, we are all alone..."
So I have made a promise to myself today to give my oldest friend my e-mail address, my phone numbers ( which I know she has ) and my blog address, so we can always be in touch and she will never have to feel " alone " while she's still alive ;_-))
p/s to my dearest friend " Have a safe trip, and hope that we stay in touch ( kalau tak pun, hope to hear or see you again when you get back in 5 months time ). Have a productive sabbatical.


Anonymous said...

aduhhh...masih ngantuk lagi nii...fenin nyaaa

ROIS said...

fenin sebab banyak minum teh cina yang tak putus-putus dituang ke??..

Ina said...

wei, korang girls nite out sampai pagi ke..

ROIS said...

mana ada,kita orang ala kadar aje malamnya..;-))