Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Picture Summary

I just got the photographs from the photo shop. To tell you the truth, I was quite dissappointed with the outcome. Gambarnya tak seindah permandangan dan buildings yang kita orang tengok di sana. Hope my other friends had better luck with their shots. Adalah a few shots that turned out ok tapi I'm not in them ( what a waste hehe ). Can't share them with you right now cos' the scanner is only available on Saturday ( MAH will borrow it from her office for the weekend ).
There are over 300 photos so I kenalah screen them before downloading into the notebook. Banyak kerja tu nak kena buat. Untuk kekawan tak kisah, I will find the time to do it ( as though I have other things to do ). Be patient OK.
By the way, sedih juga dengar kekawan ada banyak karyotyping to do ( what with the guru in Penang pulak tu untuk seminggu ni ). I tak nak le gi ofis menggangu kerja you all pulak. So I will only come over next week. That way I get to screen the photographs while you all get to screen the metaphase spreads hahaha.
p/s MAH jangan lupa bawa balik scanner ya!


Anonymous said...

sis, what happen to yr digital camera?

Anonymous said...

Alahai..meh ler dtg cite sikit sal spain. i dh siap kan 6 kes mcm tak nipis2 file tu.
Sifu lak kat penang smpi next week.
ok sal gmbr2 tu cpt2 ler scan
kekawan lain pun x tjk lg kt kitaorg. kena tgu sifu blk dr penang..leh cite best.

Anonymous said...

x pe lps ni dlm meeting mintak sifu mintak dgn boss, 2 officer lg sama2 buat jugak...
nak mkn choclairs...yeyeyeyeye

ROIS said...

my digital camera tu takleh format memory card. dah sent to the manufacturer and weekend ni nak gi ambik.

baik kita tunggu sifu baliklah baru kita bertukar-tukar cite ( kalu sifu aje cite,tentu bercanggah-canggah hehehe )