Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Kejutan 28-2-06!!

Macam biasa bangun pagi solat subuh, baca yasin and terus panjat katil to watch berita pagi and MHI on TV3. Tanpa disangka-sangka tajuk berita " Harga petrol naik 30 sen bermula hari ini.." dipaparkan. Bayangkanlah terkedu sekejap.

Lepas dah hilang the temporary shock, kepala pun mulalah berfikir apa yang boleh dibuat untuk membantu mengurangkan beban kenaikan, mula-mula petrol lepas tu barangan yang sewaktu dengannya. The first thing that comes to mind when we think about petrol is of course your CAR. For me the question is OIL CONSUMPTION, is it small enough. Now, this is without any doubt related to the cc of the car but one must also think of the kilometers involved. As for me, the cc is quite ok ( 1.3cc ) and kilometers, not so bad. Tapi since sekarang dah bergelar pesara ( with no other income )every kenaikan harga is not something we can take lightly. I can also reduce expenditure here by getting myself a smaller car ( maklumlah kereta ni pun dah kuat kena pukul ). This is definitely something to consider!!
The next thing ( in my case lah ) the meals taken outside the home needs to be reduced. Not only because you spent more eating ouside ( what with the possibility of price increase ) but you also have to drive there ( more kilometers ). So the solution is to do marketing once a week, cook my own meals ( this will also help reduce my choles and bp ) and eat out once or twice with my friends ( not when I'm on my own ). Seriously my choles and bp are still not what I wish for them to be, geram betul !!
Inilah salah satu jenis sarapan pagi sekarang Quaker oats with banana and teh O panas ( kurang manis )
p/s Apa perancangan member-member di luar sana ? Bolehlah kongsi sama..


Anonymous said...

i recieved sms from my fren last night, ingatkan just nak main-main rupa-rupanya betul .. plan ???shopping bile ada sales, makan kat rumah (alamak malasnya nak masak..sejak ada si botak ni penat),for my car ..oil consumption tak dpt nak buat macam mana dah ...

Anonymous said...

kita kena guna cola money untuk top-up mane2 tak cukup. lain2 tak bertukar sebab bil bulanan tetap kena bereskan.lifestyle pun tetap sama.