Friday, January 27, 2006
Siapa itu Sumayyah bint Khubbab?
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Ikan oh ikan...bakar ke terbakar?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Where will I go from here...
What beautiful buildings, ancient and oustanding, just the way I like them . Can't wait to see the real thing. Tak nak get too excited nanti jadi macam Dubai tu, entah apa-apa. Malas nak ingat pasal tu dah.
Anyway, since tak dapat gi Dubai, my friend and I made a trip to.. you all ( well some of you ) sure cannot guess punya, MELAKA. Of course, not my first timelah. Bandar Melaka ni walau pun dah tiga empat kali pergi still able to attract my attention bila sampai to that "red building area" in the middle of town. Lepas kita orang parked kereta around there we were greeted, pleasantly I might add, by this beca man. He told us that we have to purchase parking tickets and that we could take a ride on his beca. It will cost us RM50 for an hour ride or RM10 to go from the parking place to the museum and back ( which we discovered later took roughly half an hour including the time taken to get down to snap some pictures ). What to do, my

The ride could have been more enjoyable if we did not have to squeeze ourselves soo tightly together ( the space was just nice for two size S not one XL and L ). I was at the same time trying very hard not to let my leg touch the paddler's leg. It was a real struggle for me. I am glad that the whole ride was short and quick. By the way, on this trip, I get to know what a pokok melaka looks like ( and its fruits too )

Friday, January 20, 2006
The finished product.
Remember I was telling you all about the "renovation" work in room no.2, well now I would like to share with you the new room no.2 ( kalau lupa how the old one looks like, you can always scroll further down )

This is the new door with its new border ( the old border was

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Is stress the answer...
Monday, January 16, 2006
Semenjak jadi Pesara ni...
Asyik nak habiskan duit aje. I guess that's what having a good retirement plan is all about. Having to do what one's heart desires. Lepas dah "make-up" bilik pesara, I decided to move the "renovation " ke bilik termenung No: 2. Bukan apa, bila always at home ni, kita asyik buat endless trips to the kitchen. Kejap ambik air, kejap cari makan. Sambil keluar masuk dapur tu terpandanglah bilik No: 2 nii. Di sebabkan terlalu free, maka terfikir pulak in this still active brain of mine, what can I do to this room pulak?
So, I got in touch with my ever-willing friend, and we headed on to the.. mana lagi kalau bukan hardware store. Bought some under-coating paint ( to undercoat cat yang sedia ada tu ), the new colour paint ( eventhough the one I wanted takde ) and some masking tape. Not forgetting I also ordered 1 PVC door and an installation guy ( just for the installation, not for keeping ).
As you can see, the undercoating went well and the wall is just waiting to be painted. By the way, for those yang tak familiar, the wall was green before the undercoat.
The door is still wooden so bermakna yang baru belum di pasang lagi.
Tapi I just nak share this preparation with you guys first. Biasalah benda-benda macam ni pun dah got me excited.
Nanti bila everything siap kita tulis lagi ya..
Monday, January 09, 2006
What am I thinking today ?
It's 10.22am, Monday morning, and I'm looking at my notebook trying to pen down my thoughts. I am just thinking aloud about what I miss most about not working.. let me think!
p/s someone wants me to share with you my experience ordering Hailam Seafood Noodle at one restaurant in Shah Alam ( can't remember the name ) so here goes..
We went to this restaurant for dinner and everyone was feeling kind of hungry. I ordered the above and waited for it to be served. Everybody else got what they ordered. When mine came, I saw what I thot was pieces of chicken meat in my black, fat mee. Shocked and annoyed ( at the black, fat noodle ) I asked the waitress whether that was chicken meat in my noodle and where were the seafood ( food coming from animals that live in the sea..) and she told me ( actionly.. hihi ) that, that was how hailam SEAFOOD noodle was prepared here with chicken meat and no prawn or squid. My temperature and bp pun naik serta-merta. She went off before I could react. I called another whether and demanded to know what he understood by the term SEAFOOD?? Without explanation, he took back the dish back and after half an hour later came back with a diluted black, still fat noodle with prawn and squid. I ate all the SEAFOOD but not the noodle. I was pissed off till after dinner when I had to say good bye to my favorite grandniece. That time I was sad 'cos I have to leave her.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Some more bedroom stories...

These are not pictures of the furious rain water but rather what appears on my door, COOL kan ??
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
There's something going on at 8-2-2..

It's difficult to arrange the pictures cos this blog does not allow you to move the pictures as you like and I'm dying to publish this before the end of the day. Well, another happy moment of a pensioner.
That's it for now...
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Today, 1st January 2006, is the beginning of the rest pension days of my life. What a wonderful life I hope it will be. Nothing much to share with you all except these two things...
My grandniece ( could she be the future IMR staff like the mother and her grandaunty?? scary!! )