Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Where will I go from here...

Been busy these past few day surfing ( not the waves ) looking at Spain and Portugal, why? You guessed it, we ( my travel buddies and I ) might be heading that way this coming March, insya'allah.

What beautiful buildings, ancient and oustanding, just the way I like them . Can't wait to see the real thing. Tak nak get too excited nanti jadi macam Dubai tu, entah apa-apa. Malas nak ingat pasal tu dah.

Anyway, since tak dapat gi Dubai, my friend and I made a trip to.. you all ( well some of you ) sure cannot guess punya, MELAKA. Of course, not my first timelah. Bandar Melaka ni walau pun dah tiga empat kali pergi still able to attract my attention bila sampai to that "red building area" in the middle of town. Lepas kita orang parked kereta around there we were greeted, pleasantly I might add, by this beca man. He told us that we have to purchase parking tickets and that we could take a ride on his beca. It will cost us RM50 for an hour ride or RM10 to go from the parking place to the museum and back ( which we discovered later took roughly half an hour including the time taken to get down to snap some pictures ). What to do, my friend being a softy, and kesian kat that nice man, agreed to the RM10 ride.

The ride could have been more enjoyable if we did not have to squeeze ourselves soo tightly together ( the space was just nice for two size S not one XL and L ). I was at the same time trying very hard not to let my leg touch the paddler's leg. It was a real struggle for me. I am glad that the whole ride was short and quick. By the way, on this trip, I get to know what a pokok melaka looks like ( and its fruits too )

Then we headed for the souvenir stalls ( as usual, that's my hobby ) and my friend had to do some good deeds ( dia memang suka buat charity work ) by helping a sales woman convinced two elderly women that they look good in the Baba chongsum that they were trying on. They looked OKlah to me. I was more concerned with the T-shirt that I was choosing at that time ( not that she gave us a better deal for helping ).
There was also this interesting majic cube that she was selling. What you had to do is figure out how to open it. She told us some people took a few days to open it but my buddy took only a few minutes. So she ask if she could get it as a prize, the women said " no such thing" ( mind you this was before she helped her sell the chongsum ) After that pun, tak dapat juga hehehe. Takpelah good deeds are not necessarily rewarded.
Lepas dah tak ada apa lagi nak buat we headed back to KL. Eventhough it's not Dubai, a holiday spent with an enjoyable company is still a holiday, be it di dalam atau di luar negara.

That's how I see it ...


ROIS said...

mana boleh masukkan semua gambar, itu pun asyik kena tendang aje...

Anonymous said...

whoaa! besnyer dpt jln2. ini mcm kalu, nak gak la jd pesara. bleh jln2. err tp, pitih takdok la. cemana nak jln2 ha? guano tuh?