Sunday, January 01, 2006


Today, 1st January 2006, is the beginning of the rest pension days of my life. What a wonderful life I hope it will be. Nothing much to share with you all except these two things...

My grandniece ( could she be the future IMR staff like the mother and her grandaunty?? scary!! )

Pertama kali I melihat kabus yang menutupi Menara Rebung di Bangsar on my way back from Shah Alam visiting my grandniece
along the Federal Highway ( Kabusnya kat belakang the Pintu Gerbang Selangor DE ). Mind you this was taken using my mobile phone in a moving car. Terror tak??


Anonymous said...

i'd rather let my daughter to be a fashion designer je la..hihihi...

ROIS said...

yeah, there's where the money is daaa